Membership Application

Ver. 2.00/September, 2015


  1. Before completing this form it is suggested that you may have a look at the ACCA website contents ( and the ACCA Constitution. In case you need to get in touch with an officer of ACCA, you may contact, Chairperson at OR Executive Director at
  2. Once the form is complete, please submit online by clicking the button at the end of this form.
  3. You will receive an e mail of approval or rejection. If approved and you are under category of Art III (ii) or III (iii), then payment of admission fee has to be made online.
  4. Payment: Please make payment online, only after getting the confirmation of admission and within not more than 30 days. In case the payment is not made within 30 days of the date of approval, the application shall lapse and a fresh application has to be made.
  5. Admission as a member will be under only one of the three categories of membership described under Article III of the ACCA Constitution.
  6. In case the application is for Affiliate membership which is Institutional membership of an actuarial body, please write the name and other details of the Actuarial Association seeking membership.
  7. Registration of Consulting Firms: All applicants under Article III (i) & III (ii) of the ACCA Constitution are optionally entitled to register firms of which they are part of either as an employee, partner or owner. The Directory of Consultants on the Home Page as well as under TAB: Members/Directory of members will have information about all such firms enabling any one to search and have such information and if necessary get in touch. No additional fee is required to be paid to ACCA for this facility. This is aimed to fulfil number of objectives under Art II of the ACCA Constitution.
  8. Relevant Actuarial Association: All full member and Associate member associations of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) are classified as Relevant Actuarial Association for the purpose of this application.

1. Classes of membership (Article III of the ACCA Constitution)

Note: All admitted under first three categories shall be called Member ACCA and can use its short form MACCA and the last one as Affiliate Member ACCA who can use its short form AACCA.

*Please check only one box as applicable:-


2. Personal details:

Application for Membership under Art. III (i) and (ii)) ie Individual Members

Name (if under Art. III (i) and (ii))

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *Mobile

  • Landline

  • *Email

  • *Address

  • *City

  • *State

  • *Country

  • Zip


2. Application for Affiliate Membership (Art III (iii))

  • *Relevant Association [please select in here the name of the Actuarial Association of which you are an Associate or Fellow member based on which you are making this application.]:

Nodal Point of Contact:

Name (if under Art. III (iii))

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *Mobile

  • Landline

  • *Email

  • *Address

  • *City

  • *State

  • *Country

  • Zip


3. Directory of Consultants: refer Note 6


4. Application Review Process

Upon receipt of this membership application, the ACCA reviews the form to ensure it is completed by the applicant after which a reference will be made to the Relevant Actuarial Association for confirming the membership and whether any Disciplinary Process is in vogue. Once the review is complete, all applicants who are approved will receive an acceptance letter from the Chairperson of the ACCA. It will be an attempt by ACCA Secretariat to complete the Review Process within 15 days of the receipt of the application.

5. Dues

All dues of members shall be due and payable as of the beginning of each calendar year for such calendar year. Annual dues shall be payable for a full calendar year or for any part of a calendar year during which the person was a member of the ACCA, provided that when a person is admitted as a member during a calendar year, the dues shall apply for the calendar year beginning on the succeeding January1. The nature and amount of dues shall be as posted on the ACCA Website.

6. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

To remain a member of any classification, other than Affiliate member, the member must satisfy, in addition to any other requirements for remaining as member, such CE requirements as the Executive Committee may specify. Please note: having been accepted as a new member anytime on or after January 1 of the CPE year, the requirements for that year are deemed to be satisfied. The CPE year shall be the calendar year.

7. Declaration

I understand that to be considered for membership in the Actuarial Consulting Congress of Asia I must have high ethical standards, must not be under disciplinary investigation by my relevant Actuarial Association or have a pending disciplinary proceeding. I further understand that my membership application may be rejected or put on hold at the discretion of the Executive Committee if I am under investigation or pending a disciplinary proceeding. If my membership application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the Code of Consulting Professional Conduct (CCPC) of the ACCA and by the Constitution of the ACCA, as applicable from time to time. I also understand and agree that there could be exceptional circumstances under which the ACCA Executive committee may deny admission without assigning any reason.

I hereby declare that the information given by me are true and complete. I have gone through and understood the contents of the ACCA Constitution and CCPC and shall at all times promote the interests of ACCA.