Halim Gunawan
Current Responsibility
Halim is a consulting actuary with the Jakarta, Indonesia, office of Milliman, which was formerly Eldridge Consulting. He is President Director of PT Milliman Indonesia
Halim has 17 years of intensive experience in actuarial consulting and three years of experience in human capital consulting.
He works closely with clients in the area of strategic benefit design, which incorporates a holistic process involving development of design principles, compliance review, development of plan alternatives and recommendation s for employee benefit plan design.
Halim has in-depth knowledge of the pension area and comprehensive experience on implementing employee benefits accounting standards (both local Indonesian GAAP and international GAAP).
Other experience includes:
- Employee competency development model
- Defined contribution (DC) plan design
- Asset liability management for defined benefit (DB) plan
- Research and selection of third party Providers for both DB and DC plans
- Funding benefit strategies under Indonesian Labor Law
- Insurance reserve review
Halim is also heavily involved in several industry organizations including
- In the Society of Actuaries of Indonesia as Division Head of the Employee Benefits & Retirement Committee
- In the AKAI (Association of Indonesia Actuarial Consulting Firm) as the Chairman of Honorable Council
Professional Designation
Fellow, Society of Actuaries of Indonesia
Education Background
Bachelor of Science in Mathematic, Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung